CVR Audio Readout

——- CVR Intelligibility Check ——-

Orient Star Pacific is a specialized CVR audio readout center and assists airlines with their CVR intelligibility check requirements. Most national civil aviation authorities around the world require a CVR audio readout to be performed at regular intervals, usually once a year. With its dedicated expertise in CVR audio analysis, Orient Star Pacific helps you maintain top compliance and stellar safety records, by performing thorough replay of all your CVR recording channels.

Every Orient Star Pacific CVR audio readout provides you with a detailed analysis report commenting on audio input recording quality (intelligibility check), a Certificate of Conformance for your annual CAA regulation compliance requirements and a visualization of each audio channel waveform, attesting that appropriate recording  is occurring on each channel.

Here are some aircraft types we have extended CVR readout and analysis expertise on:

  • AIRBUS: A300-600, A310-300, A318 / A319 / A320 / A321 CEO / A320NEO / A321NEO, A330-200 / A330-300, A350-900
  • BOEING: B737-300 / B737-400 / B737-500 (Classic), B737-600 / B737-700 / B737-800 / B737-900 (NG), B747-400, B757-200, B767-200, B767-300, B777-200 / B777-300
  • ATR: ATR 72-200 / ATR72-500 / ATR72-600, ATR42-300 / ATR42-500 / ATR42-600
  • AVRO/BAE: Avro RJ-85 / RJ-100, BAE 146-100 / BAE-146-200 / BAE146-300
  • EMBRAER: ERJ-145, EMB E170 / E175 / E190 / E195
  • BOMBARDIER: DHC-8 Q400 / Q300 / Q200, CRJ100 / CRJ200 / CRJ700 / CRJ900
  • MCDONNELL DOUGLAS: MD-11, MD-82, MD-83, MD-88, MD-90
  • FOKKER: F100, F70, F50
  • DORNIER: Do-328-100

To know more about Orient Star Pacific CVR audio readout capability, check our CVR part numbers capability list by clicking here.


——- CVR Readout Purpose & Outsourcing Benefits ——-

The purpose of a CVR audio intelligibility check is to verify the appropriate serviceability of a critical safety equipment onboard your aircraft. The nature of a CVR audio readout is to evaluate the quality of audio inputs generated by the cockpit acoustic environment, as well as crew communications. However, the CVR audio readout process is not to report on the nature of the communications recorded by the CVR unit. As such, Orient Star Pacific guarantees the confidentiality of onboard communications and limits its reporting to the CVR unit health check.

Orient Star Pacific neutrality is appreciated by its customers and their various internal stakeholders (safety department, engineering department, flight operations department), but also by national Civil Aviation Authorities around the world who can count on our impartiality.

Additionally, Orient Star Pacific high competitiveness allows airlines to save on maintenance costs related to investing and maintaining internal CVR audio readout technical capability (decompression software, analysis software) and expertise, which are actually seldom used. At Orient Star Pacific, we help you maximize your safety, regulation compliance and maintenance performance while minimizing your costs.

Contact us today to find out more about our competitive and boutique CVR readout services.


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